Wednesday, May 3, 2023

How Mindful Eating Changed My Relationship with Food Forever

Mindful eating is an approach to eating that emphasizes being present in the moment and paying attention to the experience of eating. Rather than mindlessly consuming food, mindful eating encourages us to engage with our food, our bodies, and our environment in a more conscious and intentional way. This practice can help us to develop a healthier relationship with food, reduce overeating, and improve our overall well-being. In this article, we will explore the concept of mindful eating, its benefits, and practical tips to incorporate it into your daily routine.

What is Mindful Eating?

Mindful eating involves paying attention to the experience of eating, with a focus on the physical, emotional, and sensory aspects of food. This approach encourages us to tune into our hunger and fullness signals, notice the flavors and textures of the food, and be aware of our emotions and thoughts around eating. Mindful eating is not a diet or a restrictive eating plan, but rather a way of approaching food that is flexible, non-judgmental, and rooted in self-awareness.

Benefits of Mindful Eating

1. Improved Digestion: When we eat mindfully, we tend to eat more slowly and chew our food more thoroughly, which can aid digestion and reduce symptoms such as bloating, gas, and constipation.

2. Weight Management: Mindful eating can help us to develop a more balanced and intuitive approach to food, which can lead to better weight management over time. By tuning into our hunger and fullness signals, we can avoid overeating and make healthier choices.

3. Reduced Emotional Eating: Mindful eating can help us to recognize our emotional triggers around food and develop alternative coping strategies, such as meditation, exercise, or talking to a friend.

4. Increased Self-Awareness: By paying closer attention to our eating habits, we can become more aware of our patterns and tendencies around food, which can help us to make more informed choices and avoid automatic or unconscious eating.

5. Enhanced Enjoyment of Food: Mindful eating encourages us to savor and appreciate the flavors and textures of the food, which can increase our enjoyment of the eating experience.

Tips for Mindful Eating

1. Eat Without Distractions: Avoid eating while watching TV, scrolling on your phone, or doing other distracting activities. Instead, focus on the food and the experience of eating.

2. Listen to Your Body: Tune into your hunger and fullness signals, and eat until you feel satisfied but not overly full.

3. Savor Your Food: Take the time to notice the flavors, textures, and aromas of the food, and savor each bite.

4. Eat Mindfully in Social Situations: When eating with others, try to stay present and engaged with the conversation and the experience of sharing food.

5. Practice Mindful Meal Planning: Take the time to plan your meals and snacks in advance, and choose foods that nourish your body and satisfy your cravings.


Mindful eating is a powerful tool for developing a healthier relationship with food and improving our overall well-being. By paying attention to the experience of eating, we can become more attuned to our bodies, our emotions, and our environment, and make more informed and intentional choices around food. With practice and patience, anyone can incorporate mindful eating into their daily routine and reap the many benefits that come with this approach.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Hoodia Gordonii Plus Appetite Suppressant

Hoodia Gordonii Plus Appetite Suppressant contains 100% pure South African Hoodia plus other weight loss ingredients. On November 21, 2004 CBS correspondent, Lesley Stahl reported on 60 Minutes that a strange little plant, Hoodia Gordonii, “... is a natural substance that literally takes your appetite away.” According to CBS, “Scientists say that it fools the brain by making you think you’re full, even if you’ve eaten just a morsel.” 
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Friday, March 21, 2014

How To Lose 1KG In A Week

How To Lose 1KG In A Week? sounds pretty out there doesn`t it guys , but believe me it is very Possible to achieve.
we going to show you a very simple and cheap diet  to lose 1kg in a week or less at Home.
The diet contains food that will burn calories thus help you lose weight ,
How To Lose 1KG In A Week

(Monday - tursday - wednesday)

Breakfast :
 100grams of fesh fruit with low fat yogurt or a slice of whole weat bread with organic honey
Lunch :
 200 grams of grilled or backed potatos , 200 grams of backed beans , Green salad and an apple
Dinner : 

 100 grams of brown rice , 100 grams of cooked carrots or any vegetable that you prefer , 2 slices of Ananas you can make juice out of them , 60 grams of greece yogurt.

(Thursday - Friday - Saturday )

Breakfast : 
150 grams of orange juice , 200 grams of Corn Flakes , 200 grams of fat free milk
Lunch :
25 grams of grilled or steamed Chichen breast , 50 grams of fat free Yogurt and 1 Tomato
Dinner :
 one grip fruit ( Orange ,  a piece of Water melon... ) , 100 grams of green beans ,
1 Cup of Orange juice

Doing some type of workout will actually help you a lot to Lose 1KG In A Week

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

TOP 10 Foods That Make You Look Tired!

 getting ready in the morning,  With busy lives and impossibly long days, looking tired has become somewhat of a strong suit. While makeup certainly helps some women, sometimes it’s deeper than that:
 It’s the food you’re eating that’s making you look tired.
If you constantly look tired and you’ve done every makeup trick in the book to look more awake, the foods below may be the culprit. Read on and change your diet to get rid of those under eye bags for good!
Salt: While some salt in your diet is necessary, foods with a high salt content tend to dehydrate you, drying out your skin and making you look much    more tired than you actually are. 
look for foods that are flavored with other spices and herbs instead of salt.

Artificial Sweetener: Regular sugar promotes inflammation, but artificial sweetener can be just as bad, if not worse, when it comes to making you look puffy. Artificial sweeteners contain aspartame, which is an artificial sweetener associated with joint pain, and it can also make you crave more sugar. Sugar is a dangerous cycle to get into. Choose foods with natural sugars, like fruit, to avoid looking puffy.

Alcohol:  wine with dinner can seriously dehydrate you, making you look dried out and soaking up any glow that your skin may have had.  avoid alcohol altogether, try alternating drinks such as Juice and water ,so that you don’t entirely dehydrate yourself.

Anything Fried: skin’s worst enemies are : Onion rings, French fries and deep friend Oreos are your . These foods are packed with oil and tons of  fats, meaning they’ll clog arteries and stiffen blood cells, making your skin look dull and tired. Plus, these foods tend to pack on the pounds and essentially destroy the inside of your body, so they really shouldn’t be in your diet at all.

Carbohydrates: We’re not saying you have to go on the Atkins, no-carb diet, but an excess of carbohydrates (which is common in many women’s diets) can damage the collagen in your skin. This means that your skin won’t look as plump and healthy, and in turn you’ll look much more tired. Plus, if you’re eating an overload of carbohydrates, you’ll  look tired, as well as feeling tired. make a sandwich of  salad at least twice a week, and add  vegetables to your dinner instead of making a carbohydrate side (like rice or bread).

Doughnuts: Avoid fried and sugary doughnuts because they are a bad idea  when it comes to healthy eating lifestyle, especially if you’re eating them for breakfast.Instead  of a donut switch to a plain yogurt  with natural honey and almonds to give your body a healthy start  that will make you look much more awake.

Candy:  The sugar in candy will give you an insulin spike, followed by a quick drop, which will make you super tired, because candy contains Loads of sugar with no dietary benefits, Besides  making you feel tired, though, candy will also make you look tired, giving you puffy bags under your eyes. If you’re going to have candy,i suggest sticking to a fun size package, and avoid the king size packages at all costs.

Red Meat: Eating red meat more than once a week has been linked to an increase in wrinkles, caused by the carnitine compound in red meat that hardens blood vessel walls. If you don’t want to cut out red meat entirely, You don’t have to become a vegetarian, but try to stick to a rule of eating it no more than once a week.

Spicy Foods:Spicy foods can cause skin to be irritated, causing uneven skin tone and dilated blood vessels. This makes the skin less clear and a bit older, which will in turn make you look more tired. Spicy foods are good for the metabolism,but not so much for your skin.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

SKIN CARE: What Your Face Reveals About Your Health?/Acne and eczema

Acne and eczema may  be an illness  lurking in your body!

Anne Chapas dermatologist , M.D., of Union Square Laser Dermatology in New York City says : "Our skin can reflect what's going on inside our body,"  . "As part of the immune system, the skin defends against environmental factors. But when your body is fighting an ailment, it can get overwhelmed and things like acne and redness can show up." 

 how to read the signs in the mirror
Chin Acne The cause :
 Hormonal imbalance
There's a reason many women have breakouts on their chin right before their period: That part of the face is particularly sensitive to rises in progesterone and testosterone. Many women simply experience mild acne, but if your breakouts tend to be more severe or painful and are no match for OTC treatments, it's time to see your ob-gyn.  Chapas says : " cystic acne on the chin or along the jaw line can be a sign of underlying polycystic ovary syndrome [PCOS] and other types of hormonal abnormalities," the condition can increase your risk for diabetes and infertility, if  Left untreated.

Get healthy : birth control pills is an effective way to balance hormone levels and clear up skin For certain patients, If you prefer a nonhormonal option, ask your M.D. about spironolactone, a prescription med that blocks testosterone receptors, thus preventing the skin's oil glands from going into overdrive in some patients. Skipping dessert can help too, since extra insulin stimulates the hormone production linked to breakouts. Chapas adds "studies show that eliminating processed sugars and sticking to whole grains, fruits, and vegetables may also mitigate the hormonal stimuli that can lead to acne" , he also recommends using a product that contains salicylic acid and sulfur, because sulfur calms the inflammation. 

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