Friday, December 20, 2013

Healthy Diet for Acne Skin

Don’t eat that — you’ll get zits! We’ve all heard it; from parents, friends or even the family doctor. But the fact is, even after extensive study, scientists have not found a connection between diet and acne. Not chocolate. Not french fries. Not pizza. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, “A healthy diet is important for improving raw materials for healthy skin,” but they also note that greasy or sugary foods do not cause acne.

Fast Acting Acne Treatment

 A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association concurred, “Diet plays no role in acne treatment in most patients…even large amounts of certain foods have not clinically exacerbated acne.” Of course, that doesn’t mean you should make a habit of eating foods high in sugar or fat. The skin is the body’s largest organ, so what’s good for the rest of you will be good for your skin, too.
Acne Prevention & Diet - Nutrients for healthy skin. There are a number of nutrients found in everyday foods that are known to promote a healthy body — and therefore healthy skin. Get wise to these substances, and you’ll increase your chances of conquering your acne. 
Acne Prevention & Diet - Vitamin A. Naturally occurring Vitamin A, or retinol, is found in fish oils, liver and dairy products. The Vitamin A produced by plants is known as Beta-carotene, and is found in yellow/orange fruits and vegetable such as carrots, yams, apricots and cantaloupe, as well as green vegetables like parsley, kale and spinach. Extremely high doses of Vitamin A are toxic, so don't overdo it
Acne Prevention & Diet - Vitamin B-2. Stress has been known to aggravate existing cases of acne, and Vitamin B-2 is often helpful alleviating stress. Foods with a high concentration of B-2 include whole grains, fish, milk, eggs, meat and leafy green vegetables.
 Acne Prevention & Diet - Vitamin B-3. Found in peanuts, eggs, avocados, liver and lean meats, Vitamin B-3 improves circulation, promoting healthy skin. It also reduces the cholesterol level in the blood and helps you metabolize protein, sugar & fat — increasing your energy through proper utilization of food.
 Acne Prevention & Diet - Vitamin E. Vitamin E is found in almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, broccoli, wheat germ and vegetable oils. A powerful antioxidant, it protects your cells against the effects of free radicals, which are potentially damaging by-products of the body’s metabolism.
 Acne Prevention & Diet - Zinc. Even in trace amounts, the antioxidant zinc is known to boost the immune system, improving overall health — which of course is reflected in the skin. Zinc can be found in eggs, whole grains, nuts and mushrooms.

 Acne Prevention & Diet - Know your own triggers. Since acne is different for everyone, there may be certain foods that cause flare-ups in your skin. Clearly, these foods should be avoided. You may also want to check your vitamin supplements for their iodine content; while normal amounts of iodine have not been shown to affect skin, amounts greater than the RDA of 150 mcg may aggravate your acne. Overall, use your common sense. Drink lots of water and eat a healthy, balanced diet — but don’t be afraid to indulge your cravings every now and then.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Breast Self Exam ( Breast Cancer )

Healthy Changes Through Life
 Doing a monthly breast self exam is the best way to stay familiar with the cyclical changes in your breasts. You will get to know the territory better than your health care team, and will spot changes easily. Having an annual clinical exam helps document your breast health, so keep a regular appointment set up for that! Between puberty and menopause, your breasts will go through many changes, which are affected by hormones, diet, and exercise. Most of these changes are natural and healthy!

Teen Years (Puberty)
In the teen years, with the start of your monthly cycle, your body enters the maturing process, and you gain curves and may notice skin changes (such as acne) and even hair may change color or texture. Breast tissue is developing during this time too, and may be dense and firm to begin with, especially if you are small-breasted.
Family Resemblance
At this stage, it’s not too early to know your family health history, so ask your female relatives (mother, aunts, grandmother) if they had any fibrocystic problems with their breasts, or any regular cysts. If so, it’s likely that you may experience those too. Not to worry – cysts are benign – but you want to know where they are, and if they come and go, so they can be distinguished from other features in your breasts.'

More Curves and Kids (Childbearing Years)
 After your body is prepared for motherhood, if you conceive and bear children, and also if you breastfeed the children, that will bring on more changes in your breasts, as well as in the rest of your body. Breasts may become larger and more tender during pregnancy, and may need more support. Don’t neglect your BSE during this time, stay familiar with the changes. Remember that pregnancy and breastfeeding will help combine to lower your risk of breast cancer.

Maturity (Menopause)
Menopause also brings changes in your breasts, as your estrogen and progesterone levels drop, your breast tissue may become less firm and may drape differently than during your teen and child-bearing years. Keep up with your breast self exams in these years too, so that the normal changes are familiar to you. Less dense breast tissue will seem to have more lumps and bumps, but remember that 90% of breast lumps are benign.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Horsetail and Caffeine Extract Decreases Appearance of Cellulite

Caffeine works as a stimulant as well as a vasodilator; it stimulates the breakdown of fat cells and also widens the blood vessels in the area. As such Caffeine stimulates the circulation and blood flow, which helps remove toxins, fat and excess fluids. When blood is allowed to move into the region the natural metabolic pathways of the body are stimulated and you will also burn more fat naturally. Caffeine also inhibits phosphodiesterase. 
Get Rid of your Cellulite Problem 
These are enzymes which are responsible for the break down of cyclic AMP, which in turn deprives the body of energy. By preventing the phospodiesterases from breaking down the cyclic AMP the energy is used efficiently. Topical use of caffeine is preferred over oral use, as its effects will be localized and concentrated. Through oral use the caffeine will never reach the target area in a concentrated form.

Horsetail Extract Decreases Appearance of Cellulite

Horsetail Extract contains the very powerful supplement silica; this is an essential component of your connective tissues, and as such imperative in the restoration of your of your skin's elasticity as well as the decrease in appearance of cellulite. 

Horsetail has been used for centuries to strengthen nails, hair and reduce the signs of aging in skin. Skin loses its elasticity as it ages, which is due to a weakening of the connective fibers between the skin cells and cell layers. As these fibers are restored the elasticity of the skin returns and it appears smoother and firmer. This can have a dramatic effect on the appearance of your cellulite, which is visible mostly due to loosening of the skin. 
Secret to Elimination of your Ugly Cellulite 
As the condition of skin regresses with age, it also explains why cellulite worsens as you age; you are not actually experiencing an increase in cellulite, you are seeing the results from weaker connective tissue. Horsetail is the most powerful natural supplement to repair the connective tissue and restore your skins natural firmness.