Monday, December 30, 2013
Female Hair Loss Treatment
Hats are For Fashion Not to Cover-Up Your Bald Spots!Nothing can be more devastating for a women than to realize that her hair is coming out far more extensively and rapidly than is normal. (Normal is 100-150 strands a day). Each hair grows for a period of 2-6 years, goes through a short dormant period and then falls out as the follicle pushes through a new hair.
When new hairs do not replace the old or when hair is coming out in clumps or sections, there is definite cause for concern.Female hair loss comes from a variety of causes – some temporary, some permanent.
Temporary causes include:
pregnancy, anxiety and stress, too many strong treatments (coloring, bleaching), too much manipulation, illness, disease, and infections of the scalp. Fortunately, regrowth occurs naturally when as these causes dissipate. Permanent hair loss occurs as a result of heredity and hormonal changes and unfortunately is not reversed naturally. Women usually see hair loss begin at areas of parts, where parts become wider. Female pattern baldness occurs primarily in the frontal areas; then, there is general overall hair loss, resulting in a continual thinning of the entire head with the scalp becoming more and more visible.
Treatments for female hair loss include a number of things:
1.Diet plays some role in hair loss, so it is important to commit to a healthy well-balanced diet at all times.
2.Exercise increases blood circulation to all areas of the body, the scalp included. Some studies have shown that increased blood circulation to the scalp can assist in the stimulation of follicles to begin to produce hair again.
3. natural herbal and oil remedies, most of which are topical, that is, they involve applying solutions directly onto the scalp with the effect of opening up closed follicles and enhancing the chance of hair production. These have varying degrees of success, dependent upon the individual.
4.Wigs and hair extensions can provide non-permanent relief for sufferers and, fortunately, these are considered acceptable fashion accessories today.
5. medical products have also been developed specifically for females. It is important to state here that women must be certain that products they use are specifically designed for them. Male hair products often have ingredients which can be harmful to women, particularly those of child-bearing age. Medical products are available through prescription and over-the-counter.
It would be wise to consult with a physician first, before using any of these, to be certain that they are not contra-indicated with any other medication currently being used and to be certain that the hair loss is not the result of some other medical condition. Provillus has products designed specifically for women, and is FDA approved. Research studies on the effectiveness of these and other products, in terms of both reducing loss and promoting regrowth, is readily available on the Internet, through a “Google” search. Some offer money-back guarantees, and most have testimonies from satisfied users. Success varies by individual, and success or lack of success from one customer does not necessarily relate to your body’s response.
6. surgical procedures available for women, including transplants and grafts. These are expensive and should be explored carefully before committing to the cost.The distress over hair loss is an individual matter. If yours bothers you on a daily basis and you are beginning to avoid normal social activities due to embarrassment, you owe it to yourself to take action.
Friday, December 27, 2013
Estrogen and Your Health
What Is Estrogen?: What is estrogen and how does it affect your health? If you're interested in lowering your risk of breast cancer,or if you want to understand how to prevent recurrence after treatment, it's important to understand the role that estrogen, and other hormones, play in your health. Get started by reading about estrogen.
Estrogen Definition and Functions
Estrogen Replacement Therapy or HRT
Low levels of estrogen can be caused by natural, surgical, or chemical menopause, and by estrogen suppression medications. Some side effects of low estrogen may include: hot flashes, headaches, night sweats and vaginal dryness. Some women may be able to take HRT (hormone replacement therapy) to help counteract these effects.
Long-term Use of Estrogen is Safe Within Limits
Estrogen and Breast Cancer: Some kinds of breast cancer are fueled by high amounts of estrogen. That's the reason that estrogen suppression medications are an important part of treatment that prevents recurrence. Here is an overview of the main types of breast cancer: ductal, lobular, inflammatory, and Paget's disease.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Antioxidant levels key to prostate cancer risk in some men
Greater levels of selenium, vitamin E and the tomato carotenoid lycopene have been shown to reduce prostate cancer in one out of every four Caucasian males, or those who inherit a specific genetic variation that is particularly sensitive to oxidative stress, say US researchers.
Conversely, if carriers of this genetic variant have low levels of these vitamins and minerals, their risk of aggressive prostate increases substantially, as great as 10-fold, over those who maintain higher levels of these nutrients, they write in today’s issue of Cancer Research.
"This large prospective study provides further evidence that oxidative stress may be one of the important mechanisms for prostate cancer development and progression, and adequate intake of antioxidants, such as selenium, lycopene and vitamin E, may help prevent prostate cancer," said Dr Haojie Li, a researcher at the Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School.
The new findings are based on an analysis of 567 men diagnosed with prostate cancer between 1982 and 1995, and 764 cancer-free men from the Physicians Health Study.
The initial goal of this study was to assess the effect of aspirin and beta-carotene on men's health. Li’s team decided to check for variants of the gene that codes for manganese superoxide dismutatase (MnSOD), an important enzyme that works as an antioxidant in human cells to defend against disease.
The MnSOD gene is passed from parents to offspring in one of three forms: VV, VA or AA.
"Compared with men with the MnSOD VV or VA genotype, people with the AA genotype seem to be more sensitive to the antioxidant status," said Li. "Men with the AA genotype are more susceptible to prostate cancer if their antioxidant levels are low."
The study's results found that a quarter of the men in the study carried the MnSOD AA genotype, half carried the VA genotype, and the remaining quarter carried the VV genotype.
The results indicated that the VA and VV men were at equivalent risk for developing prostate cancer across all levels of antioxidants in their blood.
But compared to MnSOD VV or VA carriers in the lowest quartile of selenium levels, MnSOD AA males had an 89 per cent greater risk for developing aggressive prostate cancer if they had low blood levels of the mineral.
On the other hand, MnSOD AA carriers with high selenium – those men in the highest quartile – had a 65 per cent lower risk than the MnSOD VV or VA males who maintained low levels of selenium.
"The levels of selenium in the highest quartile of these men are not abnormally high," Li said. "Our range is neither extremely high nor extremely low."
While similar trends were observed for lycopene and vitamin E when tested independently, the contrast in relative risk was most pronounced for the men who had high blood levels for all three antioxidants combined, said the researchers.
"Among men with the MnSOD AA genotype, we observed a 10-fold difference in risk for aggressive prostate cancer, when comparing men with high versus low levels of antioxidants combined,"said Li. "In contrast, among men with the VV or VA genotype, the prostate cancer risk was only weakly altered by these antioxidant levels."
"Our study, as well as many other epidemiological studies, encourages dietary intake of nutrients such as lycopene from tomato products, or supplements for vitamin E and selenium to reduce risk of prostate cancer," said Li.
Prostate cancer is one of the biggest cancer killers in industrial countries and affects more than 500,000 men worldwide every year. This number is expected to increase with the ageing population.
Similar interactions between dietary antioxidants and the variations in the MnSOD gene have previously been linked to risk for breast cancer.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Healthy Diet for Acne Skin
Don’t eat that — you’ll get zits! We’ve all heard it; from parents, friends or even the family doctor. But the fact is, even after extensive study, scientists have not found a connection between diet and acne. Not chocolate. Not french fries. Not pizza. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, “A healthy diet is important for improving raw materials for healthy skin,” but they also note that greasy or sugary foods do not cause acne.
Fast Acting Acne Treatment
A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association concurred, “Diet plays no role in acne treatment in most patients…even large amounts of certain foods have not clinically exacerbated acne.” Of course, that doesn’t mean you should make a habit of eating foods high in sugar or fat. The skin is the body’s largest organ, so what’s good for the rest of you will be good for your skin, too.
Acne Prevention & Diet - Nutrients for healthy skin. There are a number of nutrients found in everyday foods that are known to promote a healthy body — and therefore healthy skin. Get wise to these substances, and you’ll increase your chances of conquering your acne.
Acne Prevention & Diet - Vitamin A. Naturally occurring Vitamin A, or retinol, is found in fish oils, liver and dairy products. The Vitamin A produced by plants is known as Beta-carotene, and is found in yellow/orange fruits and vegetable such as carrots, yams, apricots and cantaloupe, as well as green vegetables like parsley, kale and spinach. Extremely high doses of Vitamin A are toxic, so don't overdo it.
Acne Prevention & Diet - Vitamin B-2. Stress has been known to aggravate existing cases of acne, and Vitamin B-2 is often helpful alleviating stress. Foods with a high concentration of B-2 include whole grains, fish, milk, eggs, meat and leafy green vegetables.
Acne Prevention & Diet - Vitamin B-3. Found in peanuts, eggs, avocados, liver and lean meats, Vitamin B-3 improves circulation, promoting healthy skin. It also reduces the cholesterol level in the blood and helps you metabolize protein, sugar & fat — increasing your energy through proper utilization of food.
Acne Prevention & Diet - Vitamin E. Vitamin E is found in almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, broccoli, wheat germ and vegetable oils. A powerful antioxidant, it protects your cells against the effects of free radicals, which are potentially damaging by-products of the body’s metabolism.
Acne Prevention & Diet - Zinc. Even in trace amounts, the antioxidant zinc is known to boost the immune system, improving overall health — which of course is reflected in the skin. Zinc can be found in eggs, whole grains, nuts and mushrooms.
Acne Prevention & Diet - Know your own triggers. Since acne is different for everyone, there may be certain foods that cause flare-ups in your skin. Clearly, these foods should be avoided. You may also want to check your vitamin supplements for their iodine content; while normal amounts of iodine have not been shown to affect skin, amounts greater than the RDA of 150 mcg may aggravate your acne. Overall, use your common sense. Drink lots of water and eat a healthy, balanced diet — but don’t be afraid to indulge your cravings every now and then.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Breast Self Exam ( Breast Cancer )
Healthy Changes Through Life
Doing a monthly breast self exam is the best way to stay familiar with the cyclical changes in your breasts. You will get to know the territory better than your health care team, and will spot changes easily. Having an annual clinical exam helps document your breast health, so keep a regular appointment set up for that! Between puberty and menopause, your breasts will go through many changes, which are affected by hormones, diet, and exercise. Most of these changes are natural and healthy!
Teen Years (Puberty)
In the teen years, with the start of your monthly cycle, your body enters the maturing process, and you gain curves and may notice skin changes (such as acne) and even hair may change color or texture. Breast tissue is developing during this time too, and may be dense and firm to begin with, especially if you are small-breasted.
Family Resemblance
At this stage, it’s not too early to know your family health history, so ask your female relatives (mother, aunts, grandmother) if they had any fibrocystic problems with their breasts, or any regular cysts. If so, it’s likely that you may experience those too. Not to worry – cysts are benign – but you want to know where they are, and if they come and go, so they can be distinguished from other features in your breasts.'
More Curves and Kids (Childbearing Years)
After your body is prepared for motherhood, if you conceive and bear children, and also if you breastfeed the children, that will bring on more changes in your breasts, as well as in the rest of your body. Breasts may become larger and more tender during pregnancy, and may need more support. Don’t neglect your BSE during this time, stay familiar with the changes. Remember that pregnancy and breastfeeding will help combine to lower your risk of breast cancer.
Maturity (Menopause)
Menopause also brings changes in your breasts, as your estrogen and progesterone levels drop, your breast tissue may become less firm and may drape differently than during your teen and child-bearing years. Keep up with your breast self exams in these years too, so that the normal changes are familiar to you. Less dense breast tissue will seem to have more lumps and bumps, but remember that 90% of breast lumps are benign.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Horsetail and Caffeine Extract Decreases Appearance of Cellulite
Caffeine works as a stimulant as well as a vasodilator; it stimulates the breakdown of fat cells and also widens the blood vessels in the area. As such Caffeine stimulates the circulation and blood flow, which helps remove toxins, fat and excess fluids. When blood is allowed to move into the region the natural metabolic pathways of the body are stimulated and you will also burn more fat naturally. Caffeine also inhibits phosphodiesterase.
Get Rid of your Cellulite Problem
These are enzymes which are responsible for the break down of cyclic AMP, which in turn deprives the body of energy. By preventing the phospodiesterases from breaking down the cyclic AMP the energy is used efficiently. Topical use of caffeine is preferred over oral use, as its effects will be localized and concentrated. Through oral use the caffeine will never reach the target area in a concentrated form.
Horsetail Extract Decreases Appearance of Cellulite
Horsetail Extract contains the very powerful supplement silica; this is an essential component of your connective tissues, and as such imperative in the restoration of your of your skin's elasticity as well as the decrease in appearance of cellulite.
Horsetail has been used for centuries to strengthen nails, hair and reduce the signs of aging in skin. Skin loses its elasticity as it ages, which is due to a weakening of the connective fibers between the skin cells and cell layers. As these fibers are restored the elasticity of the skin returns and it appears smoother and firmer. This can have a dramatic effect on the appearance of your cellulite, which is visible mostly due to loosening of the skin.
Secret to Elimination of your Ugly Cellulite
As the condition of skin regresses with age, it also explains why cellulite worsens as you age; you are not actually experiencing an increase in cellulite, you are seeing the results from weaker connective tissue. Horsetail is the most powerful natural supplement to repair the connective tissue and restore your skins natural firmness.
These are enzymes which are responsible for the break down of cyclic AMP, which in turn deprives the body of energy. By preventing the phospodiesterases from breaking down the cyclic AMP the energy is used efficiently. Topical use of caffeine is preferred over oral use, as its effects will be localized and concentrated. Through oral use the caffeine will never reach the target area in a concentrated form.
Horsetail Extract Decreases Appearance of Cellulite
Horsetail Extract contains the very powerful supplement silica; this is an essential component of your connective tissues, and as such imperative in the restoration of your of your skin's elasticity as well as the decrease in appearance of cellulite.
Horsetail has been used for centuries to strengthen nails, hair and reduce the signs of aging in skin. Skin loses its elasticity as it ages, which is due to a weakening of the connective fibers between the skin cells and cell layers. As these fibers are restored the elasticity of the skin returns and it appears smoother and firmer. This can have a dramatic effect on the appearance of your cellulite, which is visible mostly due to loosening of the skin.
As the condition of skin regresses with age, it also explains why cellulite worsens as you age; you are not actually experiencing an increase in cellulite, you are seeing the results from weaker connective tissue. Horsetail is the most powerful natural supplement to repair the connective tissue and restore your skins natural firmness.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
How to Prevent Premature Ejaculation
Self Distraction to prevent premature ejaculation If your arousal levels are getting too high and a climax is beginning, take a deep breath and think about something else, something very boring if possible.
When you are less aroused but maintaining an erection you can then continue. Stop and Start Method for premature ejaculation If you find yourself nearing climax withdraw your penis from your partner and allow yourself to relax enough to prevent ejaculation. By starting and stopping sexual stimulation you can learn to prolong the sex act.
Squeeze Methods can help prevent premature ejaculation. This method involves either the man or his partner squeezing (fairly firmly) the end or the tip of the penis for 10 to 20 seconds when ejaculation is imminent, withholding stimulation for about 30 seconds, then continuing stimulation. This can be repeated until ejaculation is desired. The stop and start method can be used with the squeeze method as well.
Desensitizing Creams for premature ejaculation. Creams can be used to desensitize the end of the penis. They act like a local or tropical anesthetic. Thicker condoms (or two condoms) can also desensitize by decreasing sensitivity and therefore stimulation, thus prolonging the sexual act.
More Foreplay prevents premature ejaculation. Stimulate your partner to a state of high arousal before you have your genitals touched, that way ejaculation and orgasm can be achieved about the same time.
Masturbation to prevent premature ejaculation. Practice different methods by yourself. Getting to know your feelings and sensations gives you the chance to gain confidence.
Remember getting good at sex and overcoming premature ejaculation can take a bit of time. Practice makes perfect. If you find that things are not improving then help is available from sex therapists who are experts in this field.
Friday, December 13, 2013
Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation (PE) is the most common sexual dysfunction in men younger than 40 years. Most professionals who treat premature ejaculation define this condition as the occurrence of ejaculation prior to the wishes of both sexual partners. This broad definition thus avoids specifying a precise duration for sexual relations and reaching a climax, which is variable and depends on many factors specific to the individuals engaging in intimate relations. An occasional instance of premature ejaculation might not be cause for concern, but, if the problem occurs with more than 50% of attempted sexual relations, a dysfunctional pattern usually exists for which treatment may be appropriate.
To clarify, a male may reach climax after 8 minutes of sexual intercourse, but this is not premature ejaculation if his partner regularly climaxes in 5 minutes and both are satisfied with the timing. Another male might delay his ejaculation for a maximum of 20 minutes, yet he may consider this premature if his partner, even with foreplay, requires 35 minutes of stimulation before reaching climax. If intercourse is the method of sexual stimulation for the second example and the male climaxes after 20 minutes of intercourse and then loses his erection, satisfying his partner (at least with intercourse), who needs 35 minutes to climax, is impossible.
Because many females are unable to reach climax at all with vaginal intercourse (no matter how prolonged), this situation may actually represent delayed orgasm for the female partner rather than premature ejaculation for the male; the problem can be either or both, depending on the point of view. This highlights the importance of obtaining a thorough sexual history from the patient (and preferably from the couple).
The human sexual response can be divided into 3 phases: desire (libido), excitement (arousal), and orgasm. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) classifies sexual disorders into 4 categories: (1) primary, (2) general medical condition–related, (3) substance-induced, and (4) not otherwise specified. Each of the 4 DSM-IV categories has disorders in all 3 sexual phases.
Premature ejaculation may be primary or secondary :
-Primary applies to individuals who have had the condition since they became capable of functioning sexually (ie, postpuberty).
-Secondary indicates that the condition began in an individual who previously experienced an acceptable level of ejaculatory control, and, for unknown reasons, he began experiencing premature ejaculation later in life. With secondary premature ejaculation, the problem does not relate to a general medical disorder, and it is usually not related to substance inducement, although, rarely, hyperexcitability might relate to a psychotropic drug and resolves when the drug is withdrawn.
Premature ejaculation fits best into the category of not otherwise specified because no one really knows what causes it, although psychological factors are suggested in most cases.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Causes of Hair Loss in Women
Help! I Don’t Have to Tear My Hair Out Anymore – It’s All Over My Sink!We lose hair everyday, 100-150 strands actually, simply from brushing and manipulating. If you have long hair, this can look like a lot, but, considering the amount of hair on a head, it’s a tiny amount. If hair is coming out in clumps, or you notice circular patches of balding spots, however, there is definitely a problem, and treatment will be based upon the specific cause.The following causes should be investigated if you are experiencing more-than-normal hair loss.
1. Diet: An unbalanced diet, especially one without enough protein, can cause temporary hair loss. Women who are anemic often experience loss.
2. Menopause: Because of the change in hormones during this period, hair loss can escalate, and, unfortunately, this can be permanent.
3. Frequent Shampooing: Shampoos contain a lathering ingredient called surfactant. This can be irritating to the scalp and cause itching and scratching, thus increased hair loss.
4. Improper Care: If you manipulate your hair too much, color and treat too much, blow dry and heat with curling irons and hot rollers too much, you will see increased hair loss. You need only to look at your bathroom floor, sink and countertops to notice this. Slow down!
5. Psychological/Physiological Stress: Increased hair loss can occur with pregnancies, major surgery, or a major life event, such as a death or divorce. These causes are temporary and hair growth will return to normal eventually
6. Heredity: Heredity plays a part and comes from both sides of the family.
7. Other Health Conditions: Thyroid problems, lupus, and diabetes can accelerate hair loss. Obviously, these need to be diagnosed by a physician.
8. Alopecia Areata: This is an autoimmune condition characterized by circular patches of baldness. Basically, the body is attacking the hair follicles. Cortisone shots in the affected areas are required, and the earlier the better.Take heart.
The only way for you to re-grow the thick, full hair you deserve is to attack baldness at the source of the problem
There’s a lot of research going on which may soon resolve most of the causes of hair loss in women. However, there is a great product that has been proven effective. It is called Provillus. Provillus is an oral supplement, which works to block DHT, a form oftestosterone that is responsible for 95 percent of hair loss. It also works to stimulate the scalp and bring dead follicles back to life. You can use Provillus as a preventative tool, starting the program before hair loss becomes severe, or you can use it after DHT has already begun to take hold of your hair and scalp.Wednesday, December 11, 2013
How to Quit Smoking Now
Research found that smoking-related death occurs everywhere in the world for about every 8 seconds, every year. As soon as we remove the blinders and look very carefully about nicotine addiction and the damage that it can cause, the sooner we can pull away from dangerous effects and be safe.
Rocommonded E-Book
Clean Your Lungs of the Poisonous Tar and Dangerous Toxin
Health Alert do provides us with in depth look at such topics about health and medicine in current time. Many people that are currently using tobacco or smoking products, joined the millions of smokers who participated in the American Cancer Society's annual Great American Smoke-out program, just simply by agreeing to stop smoking for a 24-hour period of time. This is an event wherein the people who joined the single event were transformed into a "former smoker" and now they are lead to the way to a healthier lifestyle for the twenty-first century. The consequences of using tobacco are the following:
- You will have a greater chance of getting lung cancer.
- 10 times greater than a nonsmoker.
-You have a greater chance of having heart attack, twice than non-smokers do.
- Cigarette smokers have a chance of being linked with emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
-Tobacco or smoke contains almost 4,000 chemicals in it. Many of these chemicals are poisonous and almost 40 of them are linked to cancer.
Smoking pregnant women have their
increased risk of having a low birth weight infant or stillborn baby. Cigarette smoke is more harmful and very bad to people who inhale it, especially those who does not smoke. Children living in a house with smokers are twice as likely to pick up and imitate the habit when they grow up. In quitting the smoking habit you must develop a plan to take control of your addiction.Pick a day when to stop smoking. You can do it every November, during the Great American Smoke-out, there are millions of other Americans will stop smoking too that will also inspire you. Tell some one in your family and also your friends about your plan so that they can remind you time to time. Because you will also need their encouragement when you feel the urge in smoking again.
Quitting smoking is not that hard it is just your discipline that will help you more.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Green Tea and Prostate Cancer
New research suggests that green tea may help prevent the spread of prostate cancer. Specifically phytochemicals in green tea, called polyphenols attack growth factors and proteins, interrupting growth processes of tumors, thus preventing them from spreading to other organs. Since earlier studies suggests that the same natural plant substances might also help prevent the start of prostate cancer, researchers indicate that more studies are needed on green tea’s affect on fighting this common cancer. The best way to reduce your risk of prostate cancer still lies in eating a mostly vegetarian diet.
Studies on diet and cancer also show that green tea when tested with mice with an aggressive form of cancer can decrease the spread or metastasis of prostate cancer to liver, bone, and other parts of the body. Additional study of green tea may help develop a treatment to prevent the dormant, non threatening type of prostate cancer many men have in their 70’s & 80’s from becoming aggressive and fatal. Around six cups of green tea per day would contain the equivalent amount of polyphenols for individuals to help block the spread of cancer. Other data shows that the phytochemicals in green tea could inhibit the early phases of prostate cancer development.
The phytochemicals seem to increase the number of enzymes that help convert carcinogens to dormant, harmless forms. Many questions remain about the amount and frequency of green tea necessary to affect the formation of prostate cancer. Black tea has shown similar benefits to green tea, although they appear to have lower levels of the beneficial substances than green tea. Whatever the benefits of green tea, it would be a mistake to rely on tea alone for prevention. Studies suggest a variety of nutritional influences on prostate cancer risk.
The use of Vitamin E may offer some protection. The antioxidant mineral selenium also seems protective. Most Americans get adequate amounts of selenium, but these studies used nutrition supplements, so the study participants achieved higher intake levels. It waits to be seen whether men can protect themselves by taking supplements, including multivitamins, with selenium. If total selenium intake exceeds 400 mcg per day, nerve damage and other side effects can occur in the individual.
Other good foods for natural nutrition are blueberries, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, flaxseed, soybeans, and tomatoes. Cooked tomatoes are actually a far better source than raw tomatoes because the cooking process releases the lycopene from cells.
Monday, December 9, 2013
What Is A Prostate? ( Prostate Cancer )
The prostate is a round cluster of glands located at the bottom of the bladder, about midway between the rectum and the base of the penis. The prostate encircles the urethra, the tube that expels urine from the bladder by way of the penis. The ping pong ball sized gland produces most of the fluid in semen. Contraction of the muscles in the prostate squirt fluid from into the urethra tract during ejaculation. This fluid makes up the majority of the ejaculate and transports and nourishes the sperm.
Prostate cancer is the leading cause of cancer related death for American men who don’t smoke. It is primarily a disease of aging. Men in their thirties and forties rarely develop prostate cancer, but the incidence grow steadily after the age of fifty-five. About 80 percent of all prostate cancer cases occur in men over the age of sixty-five. By the age of eighty, 4 out of 5 men have some degree of prostate cancer. Many experts feel that all men will eventually develop prostate cancer if they live long enough. The three most common prostate problems are prostatitis or inflection, prostate enlargement, and prostate cancer.
Medical professionals recommend that men have annual rectal exams as part of a health checkup from ages 40 to 70, and those with high risk and all men 50 and over should add a PSA (prostate-specific antigen) blood test every year as well. When prostate cancer is detected early and treated it has a high cure rate. Men are encouraged to discuss the options with their doctor. Based on past screenings doctors have observed that in men ages 50 to 59, the prostate cancer detection rate was basically the same whether men were screened every year or every two years. Therefore normal-risk men in their 50s can to be safely screened every other year. Since there is no cure for advanced prostate cancer, early diagnosis and treatment are essential.
Since early prostate cancer normally doesn’t have any symptoms, it is extremely difficult to detect without testing. Screenings using both PSA and DRE tests have proven to be the best and only reliable method of identifying the disease when it can be still be cured easily.
Almost fifty-eight percent of all cases are discovered while the cancer is still isolated and at its most treatable stage. A doctor can detect prostate cancer by digital rectal examination and by a PSA (prostate-specific antigen) blood test.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Breast Implants and Breast Feeding
A lot of women ask if they can breast feed after Breast Augmentation Surgery. The answer is a resounding yes. For the vast majority of women who have a BA breastfeeding is no more difficult with implants than without. In fact, some women who have breast fed with and without implants say that breastfeeding with implants is easier!
Breastfeeding is a growing concern with patients who have had Breast Augmentation surgery. In previous years, women who received implants were married and had already finished with childbearing. However, more and more single women, and women who have not finished or even begun childbearing are having the surgery.
In 1992 the first report of a Silicone Illness hit the media. At that time there was fear that breastfeeding with silicone implants would endanger the child. There has been studies performed to show this not to be the case. The main reason being that the silicone molecule is too large to pass into the milk ducts.
Later, Silicone was removed from general use, and Saline implants were the only available devices on the market. Even if the saline did leach into the milk, it is an inert substance, with no harmful effects on mother or baby.
<------- Rocommonded E-book : Some concerns are placed on implant placement, and incision site. It is said to be more optimal to have the implants placed under the muscle, and to avoid the peri-aerolar incision. The reasons are simple, using those guidelines, there is less interference with the milk ducts which reside directly under the skin and in the tissue above the muscle of the breast. However, as with everything in science, this is not guaranteed. There are many women who have had placement of implant and incision in sub-optimal locations, and are still very successful with breastfeeding.
It is very important to discuss your plans of BreastFeeding your baby at the time of your consultation. Your surgeon will be able to work with you, to get the best possible results, even if you are not planning on having children anytime in the near future.
Breastfeeding is still the preferred method of feeding a baby by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Breastfeeding is a growing concern with patients who have had Breast Augmentation surgery. In previous years, women who received implants were married and had already finished with childbearing. However, more and more single women, and women who have not finished or even begun childbearing are having the surgery.
In 1992 the first report of a Silicone Illness hit the media. At that time there was fear that breastfeeding with silicone implants would endanger the child. There has been studies performed to show this not to be the case. The main reason being that the silicone molecule is too large to pass into the milk ducts.
Later, Silicone was removed from general use, and Saline implants were the only available devices on the market. Even if the saline did leach into the milk, it is an inert substance, with no harmful effects on mother or baby.
<------- Rocommonded E-book : Some concerns are placed on implant placement, and incision site. It is said to be more optimal to have the implants placed under the muscle, and to avoid the peri-aerolar incision. The reasons are simple, using those guidelines, there is less interference with the milk ducts which reside directly under the skin and in the tissue above the muscle of the breast. However, as with everything in science, this is not guaranteed. There are many women who have had placement of implant and incision in sub-optimal locations, and are still very successful with breastfeeding.
It is very important to discuss your plans of BreastFeeding your baby at the time of your consultation. Your surgeon will be able to work with you, to get the best possible results, even if you are not planning on having children anytime in the near future.
Breastfeeding is still the preferred method of feeding a baby by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Breast Enhancement Surgery
Meanwhile, millions of women have been subjected to the ill effects of these modern day vanity contraptions that were bought in good faith.
Nature breast Enhancement
Silicone gel implants were banned in 1992 by FDA.
If you have (or had) a ruptured silicone breast implant, you will be denied Health Insurance Coverage.
Saline-filled implants tend to have a higher rate of leaking and deflation than silicone gel implants, which means more frequent surgery to replace them.
Nature Breast Enhancement
In a study published in the Lancet medical journal, Dr Lori Brown of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says: "There is emerging consensus that both the incidence and prevalence of breast-implant rupture are much higher than previously suspected."
21% overall increase in cancers for women with implants, compared to women of the same age in the general population.
Implant patients were three times as likely to die from lung cancer, emphysema and pneumonia as other plastic surgery patients.The study is based on medical records and death certificates of almost 8,000 women with breast implants, including silicone gel implants and saline implants, and more than 2,000 other plastic surgery patients. ( National Cancer Institute (NCI), Boston University, Abt Associates, and the Food and Drug Administration, with Dr. Louise Brinton from NCI as lead author. )
Friday, December 6, 2013
Natural Home Remedies for Constipation Part 2
Constipation is a common disorder that is rampant among the American populace. Estimates have shown that over 3 million people have constipation annually in the United States. As if that were not enough, more than 2 million also suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The causes of constipation are multifaceted. However, there are varied methods in the meantime that will result in some form of relief for anyone who has got constipation. For the purpose of this write-up, we’ll focus a lot more on the natural home remedies useful in constipation relief around us.
1.Drink water regularly. At least 6 glasses of water a day would be very great and therapeutic. Large amounts of water aids quick digestion and enables easier bowel movement.
2.Adding roasted black gram powder to chapatti made of wheat including the husks too can enhance constipation relief.
3.Molasses which have high calorie content are also very good. Beware though as it has a strong taste and you’ll want to add fruit juice or milk to it when taking it. All you really need is two tablespoonfuls of blackstrap molasses just before sleeping at night.
4. Take half a cup of cabbage juice twice a day. This is very effective in treating and curing constipation
.5. If you have got access to mango, take one in the morning right after brushing before breakfast, and one at night after dinner. Mangoes are very effective bowel movers. There is a sure guarantee that you’ll have to “go” at least twice before nightfall.
6. Create a mixture of Spiegel seeds and warm milk. This is done by dipping the Spiegel seeds (5-10g) in warm milk (200g). To this, mixture, add sugar and you have for yourself a highly effective treatment method.
7. If you are suffering from chronic constipation, take a drink of figs dipped in water in the morning. If taken in copious amounts, you’ll definitely find yourself reaching for the next available toilet.
8 . , drink water that has been kept in a copper container and has been left overnight. It acts as a superb constipation relief if you want instant relief from constipation.
Get half a glass of water and mix one-quarter (¼) of Epsom salts with it for fast constipation relief.
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, for even more Tips Also try pouring a whole sachet of Andrew’s Liver Salt in a glass of water sand gulp down immediately. This will also produce a fast constipation relief.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Helpful Tips for Constipation Treatment
Rocommonded Ebook :
Got constipation?
Well most of us do once in a while for some and frequently for others. In this article we'll look at how you can get all the constipation help you'd probably need. While this is not all inclusive in itself, you can consort other sources for all the constipation help you might need. Most people who suffer from constipation will tell that it is one of the most uncomfortable experiences they've had. There are various reasons and causes of constipation:
1. Consumption of fast foods and foods that lack lots of fiber. This is the single major reason behind most occurrences of constipation. Because we live in an "instant" age, fast foods have become the order of the day. People just don't know what it is to eat healthily. As long as you can grab some sandwich, burger or fried chicken and the stomach feels full, everything's settled. As a result, foods are not readily digested. All the fiber necessary to stimulate bowel movement are almost non-existent.
1. Inadequate fluid intake. People don't drink fluids these days -at least not enough to compensate for bodily needs. Hence, when the feces gets to the rectum, the little moisture remaining in it is absorbed by the rectum. Because stooling requires moisture to enable the easy passage, it becomes hard to freely pass stool. That's why there is a lot of straining to get eliminate the waste.
1. Leading a sedentary life. People who don't take care of themselves physically, tend to easily develop constipation as a result of the fact they are not involved in any sort of exercise. One of the very first recommendations for those who need constipation help is exercise. The fact that you move around would improve your bowel movements and hasten the relief of constipation.
4. Pregnant women also suffer from constipation as a result of a change in hormonal balance in the body and also because of the pressure of the now occupied uterus on the intestine. Since you have read some of the causes, it would be better if we moved so you can get all the constipation help you need:
1. Eat lots of FiberDietary fiber which is also known as bulk forming laxatives is gotten from the consumption of fruits and vegetables. The easiest way to incorporate this into your lifestyle is by increasing the quantity of fruits and vegetables in your meals and cutting down on the excess of dairy and meat products. In some cases however, some individuals may find it hard to cope with the bulk of fruits needed. When this occurs, it is best that fiber supplements such as wheat bran, oat bran, psyllium seeds be added to the daily diet. To make this routine easier, when you have the itch to grab a snack, pick a fruit instead and you're on your way to relief. The only downside to this method is if the patient has strictures and adhesions. In this circumstance, it is advisable to consult a physician before getting on in the treatment. Also, some fibers have sugar; as a result, diabetic patients cannot take such. When this occurs, it is best that the patient gets sugar-free fibers. Fibers should not be taken in large quantities suddenly. Small quantities are best for starting. Then, it can gradually increase if the patient finds it necessary.
A space of one week is adequate for each phase of increase in fiber content. Sources of fiber are fruits, vegetables, Citrucel, Konsyl Fiber, Maltsupex etc
Got constipation?
Well most of us do once in a while for some and frequently for others. In this article we'll look at how you can get all the constipation help you'd probably need. While this is not all inclusive in itself, you can consort other sources for all the constipation help you might need. Most people who suffer from constipation will tell that it is one of the most uncomfortable experiences they've had. There are various reasons and causes of constipation:
1. Consumption of fast foods and foods that lack lots of fiber. This is the single major reason behind most occurrences of constipation. Because we live in an "instant" age, fast foods have become the order of the day. People just don't know what it is to eat healthily. As long as you can grab some sandwich, burger or fried chicken and the stomach feels full, everything's settled. As a result, foods are not readily digested. All the fiber necessary to stimulate bowel movement are almost non-existent.
1. Inadequate fluid intake. People don't drink fluids these days -at least not enough to compensate for bodily needs. Hence, when the feces gets to the rectum, the little moisture remaining in it is absorbed by the rectum. Because stooling requires moisture to enable the easy passage, it becomes hard to freely pass stool. That's why there is a lot of straining to get eliminate the waste.
1. Leading a sedentary life. People who don't take care of themselves physically, tend to easily develop constipation as a result of the fact they are not involved in any sort of exercise. One of the very first recommendations for those who need constipation help is exercise. The fact that you move around would improve your bowel movements and hasten the relief of constipation.
4. Pregnant women also suffer from constipation as a result of a change in hormonal balance in the body and also because of the pressure of the now occupied uterus on the intestine. Since you have read some of the causes, it would be better if we moved so you can get all the constipation help you need:
1. Eat lots of FiberDietary fiber which is also known as bulk forming laxatives is gotten from the consumption of fruits and vegetables. The easiest way to incorporate this into your lifestyle is by increasing the quantity of fruits and vegetables in your meals and cutting down on the excess of dairy and meat products. In some cases however, some individuals may find it hard to cope with the bulk of fruits needed. When this occurs, it is best that fiber supplements such as wheat bran, oat bran, psyllium seeds be added to the daily diet. To make this routine easier, when you have the itch to grab a snack, pick a fruit instead and you're on your way to relief. The only downside to this method is if the patient has strictures and adhesions. In this circumstance, it is advisable to consult a physician before getting on in the treatment. Also, some fibers have sugar; as a result, diabetic patients cannot take such. When this occurs, it is best that the patient gets sugar-free fibers. Fibers should not be taken in large quantities suddenly. Small quantities are best for starting. Then, it can gradually increase if the patient finds it necessary.
A space of one week is adequate for each phase of increase in fiber content. Sources of fiber are fruits, vegetables, Citrucel, Konsyl Fiber, Maltsupex etc
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